Your Money is Safe and Protected
Your money is safe and protected. 100% of your deposits held with Monson Savings Bank are FULLY INSURED through the FDIC and DIF.
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Monson Savings Bank Shares Back-to-School Budget Tips
The summer is coming to an end and fall is right around the corner. That means school is about to be back in session! The start of a new school year can be exciting for students and their parents, but it also can be an expensive and stressful time of year. According to a 2020 CNBC report, last year on average parents planned on spending $529 per student back-to-school shopping.
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Making a Down Payment on a Home
A lot goes into buying a home, but one of the biggest hurdles for many is saving enough for a down payment. At Monson Savings Bank, it is important to us to help you and your family reach financial goals in order to achieve your life goals, like purchasing a home. Get started here.
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The Cost of College Living
One of the many mysteries of college, especially going into freshman year, is what the cost of college living is actually going to be. Sure, you know there's tuition. But how much money will you need to make it through the first semester? The first year?
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Financial Tips to Help You Enjoy Summer
Monson Savings Bank is sharing summer financial tips to help you enjoy your summer instead of worrying about how much you are spending on it.
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